Sunday, May 18, 2014

General Conference April 13th

My Dear Amazing Family,

This week was really good. Hard, but good because of conference:) We got to watch all 12 hours of conference and that made me SO happy. I loved all the talks, but there were a few that really were what I needed to hear. The women's conference was incredible, and I felt the greatest spirit when I watched that. There is just something to special about women, and I know that Heavenly Father truly has given us special nurturing and loving abilities. I also really appreciated all of the talks in the priesthood session, particularly Elder Oaks talk. I have been studying a lot about the priesthood and the differences between keys and authority and such and really had been praying that someone would speak about that in conference. It was such an answer to my prayers, and I learned a lot about the priesthood through that talk. I also thought it was a really good message for the world to hear about why women are not ordained to the priesthood and how motherhood is a complimentary power to the priesthood.  It was just really really good. President Monson's talks were so good as well. I really loved his talk about love and service and the powerful influence kindness can have for good, and in sharing the gospel. I loved Elder Holland and Elder Ballard's talk about missionary work and standing up for what you know is right. I haven't had mashed potatoes thrown at me (yet haha) but being on a mission definitely makes you stand up for what you believe in, and is a real catalyst for testimony because you have to truly believe what you are teaching and testifying of. It's been a great lesson to learn out here. Also, I really really appreciated Elder Bednar's talk about spiritual traction. It was just what I needed to hear. This past week I've been really frustrated with not knowing Korean, and I feel like my brain just reached it's limit of Korean knowledge and doesn't want to hold anymore. But I know that as I keep putting good, hard, diligent effort into learning Korean, I will eventually feel myself move forward more easily with the language. It's a little frustrating still to feel like I'm not going anywhere, but I know things will work out and this is just a time to rely on the Lord and do my best. Also, President Uchtdorf's talk was a wonderful reminder about gratitude, and I think it's something we all can try to do better, especially in our trials.
Overall, I felt like conference talked a lot about doing what is right in the midst of hard times, and I think that's so critical for the times that we live in. Satan is warring against all of us, and truly wants us to be miserable. I see his influence on people every single day here, more clearly than I did before, and it's heart breaking. But as we keep pushing forward and reading our scriptures and praying sincerely each day, we will have the inspiration of how to strengthen ourselves and our families testimonies and conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ. I truly know that He lives and he loves each of us perfectly. He died for each one of us. He went through every hard thing in this world, and has felt every disappointment, failure or guilt each one of us experience. He knows us in that personal way, and because of that He just wants to be there for us in our time of trial. I feel that that is true with all my heart. Sometimes we feel that He is not with us, but He is. The scriptures and our baptismal covenant teaches us that he mourns with us and comfort us when we need comfort. It's such a blessing to think the He is so near to us always. President Monson has quoted the scripture "He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee" two conferences in a row now, so I feel that that is especially important to remember. He is with us, especially when we work each day to be His hands, to touch others' lives for good. After all, you can't go too far from your hands:) So let us always be about the Lord's errand.
This week we found some more potential investigators, but all of our appointments canceled. That was really sad, but I know that as we keep doing our best things will work out. Sister Sexton has been a great support to me as we have been opening this area and trying to find people to teach. She's so wonderful and so open and positive. She always tells me how much she loves me and and said more than once with tears that she doesn't know what she'd do without me as a companion and friend. For this I'm super grateful, because I need her too, and I know Heavenly Father is soo good to us. He blesses us so much and gives us what is best for us always.
Also, some fun things that happened this week-- haha our hot water broke. So I'm pretty good at taking fast ice cold showers:) haha but after 4 days of praying, and some tinkering from our landlord, we now enjoy hot showers in the morning:) What a blessing! haha the little things become so much more wonderful when you don't have them for a while. Also, our landlord is the cutest little grandpa ever! haha. We see him everyday and he always asks us if we have eaten. He asked sister Hales if she can cook, and she said no, so one morning he called us and said he was coming to bring us Kimchee! haha. I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MUCH KIMCHEE IN MY WHOLE LIFE. haha. The container he brought takes up half of our bottom shelf in the fridge. It weighs at least 5 pounds. Not even kidding. And oh man. It is the BEST kimchee ever! Just talking about it makes me really excited to go home and eat some more of it. I think the past two weeks I have turned the kimchee corner. I officially love it. I will be eating it when I get home, so be excited haha. I think it smells good too, which I know I didn't think 6 months ago, so I guess I'm going to be a little weird when I get home next April :) Sorry about that:)  Also,  I can't remember if I told you this already, but a couple weeks ago boy started talking to me to ask me for directions, but then he looked at me and realized I wasn't Korean. haha so basically people think I'm Korean... until they look at me. haha. I think this is pretty exciting news:) One last thing is that spring is happening here, which means bugs are also happening. So sad. But Sister Sexton is pretty amazing. There was a bee in our house and we all screamed and ran out of the room, but Sister Sexton just walked up to it and said, "It's just like a butterfly." and it crawled on her hand and she calmly walked it outside. It was maybe the craziest and most amazing thing I've ever seen. I'm glad we're companions haha. Except she says she'd never pick up a spider like that. Darn. haha.
But anyway, it's been a good week and I just am so grateful to be here serving a mission in Korea! I love you all so much and pray for you every day! Hope all is well and that you have a good Easter next week:) Love you!
Sister Hunter

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